Ascona Art Experiment

Many things can be realised at the Ascona Art Retreat. In our 800 square metres of space, 68 nice rooms, parks and inspired by the epic past of the Ascona art colony and Monte Verità, artists can create books, scripts inspired by the memory of Ascona and its characters or free subject matter. In our centre/hotel we have equipment for shooting and editing films. For musicians there are special rehearsal rooms and the possibility of organising concerts open to the public. For aspiring managers there is the possibility of meeting new artists and beginning to familiarise themselves with the organisation and communication of the centre itself, which is a continuous work in progress and a centre of experimentation. The large hall can be used for dancing and since the spaces are modular according to need they are redesigned from time to time.
The Ascona Art Retreat takes place in the infrastructure of the Albergo Ascona and hosts artists for free for short periods of up to three weeks from November to March.